Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Good wii hunting

Well, it is Christmas time once more. The lights, the Christmas Carols, the cookies, and of course the retail madness. Hot gift item for 2007 is of course the wii video game system. So one week into December, we decide that we simply MUST have one for the family. We have held off on buying any video game system up to this point, but given the popularity of the wii, we didn't want to risk the social stigmatism our children would surely face without this essential household item.

After enlisting the help of everyone we knew (special thanks to mom and brothers Voss), we had come close, but the tricky wii (tough little critters, but their pelts are worth a fortune) had continued to evade our grasp. Finally, we received some "inside information" from a reliable source (she works for Walmart) indicating a shipment was "possibly" due the next morning. Given that it was already Dec 18, we knew it might very well be our last chance before the big day.

After a fitful nights sleep, Dad pulled himself out of bed to arrive before any of the competition (aka, other freaks willing to ruin a perfectly good nights rest just to track down a toy...). Armed with a folding chair and a book, he set up camp in the Electronics section of the Super Walmart (did you know that you can fill a grocery cart full of groceries and still check out at the electronics cash register?). Though first in line, he was not lonely (line snaked around 3 isles after 2 1/2 hours had gone by). All this for the POTENTIAL of wii arrival that day.

There was much rejoicing as the wii vanguard (2 security officers) arrived. Less joy in the back of the line when it was announced that only 12 would be taking home a wii. As I grasped my prize, I rejoiced at the bountiful blessings provided me and thought how excited the children would be (not nearly as excited as dad I suspect). Would I ever do it again? Naw...until maybe next year anyway...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween in the Land of Mouse

Spent this weekend on a business trip to Orlando with Maren, Ally, and Audrey. The weather kept trying to discourage us (rain), but we prevailed. Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party was great fun for the whole family. Maren managed to attend at no charge (after spending a record $0 the previous day at Animal Kingdon), so the cost was amazing (we only needed to take out one extra mortgage on the house...). Audrey was particulary fond of the "Dance Party" - after 20 min of non stop boogie, we literally needed to DRAG her away (to get candy at one of the candy stops). Fireworks show at the end was "themed" Disney Villains. Probably the best fireworks display I have ever seen (my favorite was the smiley face fireworks).

The conference I attended went well. Highlight was the Richard Petty driving experience. I was able to participate in a "ride along" in an actual NASCAR race car and take a few laps. I was really lucky as it was rainy the day I went. I was the last person in our Marriott group to go and right after I finished, the rain became too heavy to continue operations.

Spent the night in a tent at Ft. Wilderness. Pretty good camping experience, but our tent was a bit too small for us and it rained on and off all night. Great access (via boat) to the Disney Resorts though, and you save $$$ on Disney parking. Would consider doing this again with right equipment.

Audrey was unbelievably cute in her "princess" costume. She often held up the front of her dress to assist with walking - it looked very regal. Ally did a great job "babysitting" when mom and dad needed a break. Ally and dad spent a fair amount of time on the Aerosmith "Rockin Rollercoaster" with Ally riding 6 times during our short visit. Tower of Terror should be called the Tower of Air Turbulance - Dad was ready vomit by the time the ride released us.

On Sunday, we were headed to church and saw digital signs at the Orlando Convention Center that a Stake Conference was taking place. We decided to check it out and Pres Eyring (newly called to the 1st Presidency) was slated to speak. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see him (his new schedule forced a cancellation), but we enjoyed the area seventy that spoke in his place.

Came home to a major leak in the kitchen sink, a broken washing machine, and a flea infestation that Scout brought in from the yard. Life is a way more exciting ride that anything we experienced at Disney...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Our 1st Post

Finally, a place to post thoughts and pics for friends and relatives. Maren has been pestering me for months (years?) to put something together. Now if we can just keep it updated...