Thursday, September 4, 2008

Highpointing with crazy Uncle Mike!

Now that Uncle Mike is bored of 14ers (having bagged them all), he has turned his attention to nabbing the high point in each state. In the few high point adventures I have joined, I have quickly learned that you are very likely to run into other highpointers as they are the only ones silly enough to be in that particular location. While sitting on the Maryland HP (Backbone Mtn) at a picnic table, we met a couple who had completed 45 HPs.

This summer's HPs entailed a trip to the roof of both Utah (Kings Peak) and Idaho (Borah). Kings is long (30 miles rt) and Borah is steep (5,000 ft in just over 3 miles). I'm sure the view at the top of Kings is spectacular - I wouldn't know because when we topped out we could only see about 10 ft into the fog that we climbed in all day. I thought I was doing well handling the 22 mile day 2 until well into the afternoon when Mike told me we still had 2 miles to go. I just about cried. :-(

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